Mouse Genotyping Kit is a kit designed for the rapid identification of mouse genotypes. No DNA Extraction Needed. High Efficiency, Tolerates Inhibitors, Multiplex PCR Ready.
Cat No: HCR2021A
Package: 200T
Plant direct PCR Kit is suitable for direct amplification of plant leaves, seeds, plant Tissues etc : No DNA Extraction Needed. High Efficiency, Tolerant to Inhibitors. Amplifies Up to 3kb Fragments.
Cat No: HCR2020A
Cat No: HCR2014B
Package: 1ml/5ml/25ml
HIF Taq plus Master Mix (With Dye) is a ready-to-use 2×premixed solution containing Plus HIF DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, and optimized buffer.
Cat No: HCR2013B
PCR Master Mix is a kind of conventional PCR premixed solution which is ready to use, including Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTP mix MgCl2 and optimized buffer.
Cat No: HCR2012A
Package: 5ml/15ml/50ml
2× PCR Master Mix contains Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, and other PCR-required components.
Cat No: HCR2016A
Package: 1ml/5ml/15ml/50ml
2×Rapid Taq Super Mix is based on the modified Taq DNA Polymerase.